Little extras for your stay
Enjoy one of our breakfast baskets
Breakfast baskets
We use locally* sourced fresh produce for our breakfast baskets. *where possible Contents for baskets will vary.
The Tiny One £18
A jar of our homemade luxury Granola (GF option available)
A jar of our homemade marmalade
Local bread
Butter (or preferred spread)
Fruit bowl – seasonal if possible
Fruit Juice
(tea, coffee, sugar and milk supplied)

The Hungry One £27
6 eggs
A jar of our homemade luxury Granola (GF option available)
A large jar of our homemade marmalade or jam
Pack of bacon (or vegan sausages – please advise)
Local bread
Large tub of Greek style yoghurt
Fruit bowl – seasonal if possible
Fruit Juice
(tea, coffee, sugar and milk supplied)

The Vegan One £24
Vegan cheese
Isle of Wight tomatos
A jar of our homemade luxury Granola (GF option available)
A jar of our homemade marmalade or jam
Local bread from either Graces Bakery or Island Bakers
Vegan Spread
Large tub of vegan yoghurt
Fruit bowl – seasonal if possible
Fruit Juice
(tea, coffee, sugar and mylk of choice supplied)